Hi, as you all know I am breeding with 2 couples at the moment. I have both put them together in January and for the last month they have been breeding quite a lot. Each of the 2 couples have had 6 long (12h) locks, which I have noticed. They both had other shorter locks too, which I probably didn't all saw. The big difference with last year is that the 2 females went trough a pre ovulation shed something the 2 females last year didn't do. I talked to some other breeders about that and it seems some snakes have a pre ovulation shed and some don't, it can be snake related or some other factors. The wild female didn't do it last year and this year she did, I don't have a clue why she did it this year.
All the information I found on that subject stated that if they have a pre ovulaion shed they will probably ovulate 3 to 4 weeks after the shed. I will keep you updated on that.
Last night when I went to the snake room for a last check I noticed the first sign of a succesfull breeding, the spider female was laying inverted. This is something they do for positioning their follicles and to absorb more heat into them.