Rausch Reptiles

Rausch Reptiles

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Love is in the air

I have started my first project of this year, it is a Lesser X Wild breeding. Not the most exciting one, but I think every breeding stays special. I have put the male in yesterday evening and this morning I found them thogether, like you can see on the picture. Not 100% sure if they are locking, but I think they do!
Another thing I would like to share is that I purchased a new ball python this week. He is a male and is a co-dominant morph called phantom. Later this year he will be in two very special projects. If all goes well I will have six projects this year. So keep posted to see them all ;-)


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The start of a new year

Hello, it has been a while but I couldn't upload pictures so I apologize for that. The start of the new year brought me some nice changes to my collection and my snake room. As you all know I bred some nice BEL's in 2012, I sold the most of them but one kept amazing me with his beauty. So he got a nice place and stays here, I have some nice plans for him. Secondly I traded a morelia viridis for another one, he is a lereh and I build him a nice new terra. And last but not least I traded some of my offspring for a champagne paradox female, I think she is stunning and pictures don't do her justice, but I gave it a try. Enjoy all the pictures en stay tuned!