Rausch Reptiles

Rausch Reptiles

Friday, 26 October 2012

Mini rainforest in my livingroom

Snake breeding for this season is over, all snakes have hatched! By January I will have 2 other females ready for breeding again and I will keep you updated on those. In the meantime I have a few pictures of my paludarium in my livingroom. It's a rainforest paludarium with some geckos and frogs in it. The paludarium simulates rain and mist as wel as sunrise and sunset ( this is achieved by a dim function with timer). The moon is also simulated by a nightlight that has a 28 day moon cycle programmed. It has still a long way to go but I am already happy with the way it turned out. If you have any tips or comments please leave them below!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Just like winning the lottery

Today the last  snake of the second clutch hatched, and I can say that I am very pleased with the result. As you all know we need a bit of luck when it comes to hatching special morphs. In this second clutch I was aiming for a blue eyed leucistic and with 25% odds and 6 eggs I would have been very dissapointed if I didn't hit one. But you just never know, so when hatching begins I'm always crossing my fingers. This time it actually worked, and it felt just like winning the lottery. The outcome was 1 mojave, 1 lesser and 4 BEL's !!! Enjoy the pictures below ;-) 

Monday, 15 October 2012


When I took a look at my incubator this morning, I was surprised to see the first snake had pipped. This is always a very exciting moment, but it even got better when I saw it was a BEL. I assume the others will also stick their heads out during the day and night to come. Tomorrow they wil start to come out completely. Stay tuned to see the complete outcome of the clutch!

Thursday, 11 October 2012


D-day is coming soon, I cutted the eggs of the second clutch today on day 60. This was my Mojave*Lesser breeding, so I was aiming for a BEL (blue eyed leucistic). The odds are 25%  of hitting a BEL for each egg seperatly, the other possibilities are Wild, Lesser or Mojave. I had 6 eggs so in theory I had to  have 1,5 BELS. But as we have already seen with my first clutch, the theory isn't always put to reality. I had only 2 Pastels out of  7 eggs with 50% odds. After this morning's cutting I'm very pleased with the baby snakes I have seen. I'm gonna post som pics beneath, so you can judge yourselfs what will hatch in a few days. Please leave your thoughts in comment !!